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During Fall Family Weekend, the Honors College hosts two events: our annual family tailgate and the Honors Induction Ceremony. Information for both can be found below.
Honors Family Tailgate
Enjoy gameday festivities with the Honors College during our “Fall Family Tailgate." Students and family members are encouraged to stop by our tent to grab a snack, snag some Honors College merch, meet our staff, and simply enjoy the spirit of gameday on the plains.
Saturday, September 13, 2025
This free "stop and go" event is designed for Honors students and their guests. No registration is needed. Our tailgate tent is located behind Cater Hall on the Upper Quad.
Those interested in purchasing football tickets, can do so via the Auburn Fall Family Weekend main page.
Honors Induction Ceremony
This ceremony is the formal induction into the Honors College, where students will receive their Honors College pin. Much like the medal bestowed at graduation, this pin signifies membership within the Honors College.
The Honors College medals and pins are not only emblems of membership, but they also serve as recognition of the achievements and the rich undergraduate experiences that students will receive here at Auburn University. Students should take pride in these items as they are a physical embodiment of their time and hard work.
During the ceremony, attendees will hear from administrators, faculty, and past and current students who will share their Honors College experiences and observations. Please note this ceremony will not be live-streamed.
Dates and Times
Sunday, September 14, 2025
Registration information for the Honors Induction Ceremony will be available closer to the event date.Location
The ceremony will be held in the Neville Arena at 250 Beard-Eaves Court, Auburn, AL 36849. Students will enter through the Scholarship Entrance to check-in. All other guests will enter through the main front entrance.
We recommend parking in the Neville Arena parking lot.
Students are asked to wear "dressy casual" attire. No shorts, no blue jeans please.
Please direct all questions to the Honors College Student Affairs Office.