, in this issue read about the Honors Research Fellowship, upcoming events, student opportunities and more.
Honors Research Fellowship Now OpenHonors Students conducting research in any field can now apply for an Honors Research Fellowship. This fellowship allows students to secure funding ranging between $500 to $1500
for research-related expenses. Utilize these funds to support research projects, research-related travel or conference travel.
Fellowships will be granted based on factors such as anticipated graduation date, commitment to the Honors College, and project needs.
Learn more and apply through the button below or attend our information sessions scheduled for January 29 and 30, 2025.
Happy January to the Auburn Honors community, and welcome back to our beautiful campus.
January is the time of resolutions, and here at the Honors College we are no exception. This year I have made some resolutions for the college about which I am excited, optimistic and -- most of all -- deeply committed.
Six months ago I moved to Auburn and began my dream job of leading this college. Most of my energies for those months have been focused on learning about this impressive university and its even more impressive Honors College - its history and structure, its strengths, its possibilities, its amazing students. Even as the project of learning always continues, the time for more active planning and development has arrived. The college’s staff and I have been researching and brainstorming possibilities for the future of our curriculum and programming, and we shift this month to a semester-long process of articulating our strategic plan for the college’s next decade.
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Cup at CaterJanuary 15 | 9-11 a.m.
Welcome back Honors students! Stop by Cater Hall on Wednesday morning for your first Cup at Cater of the semester. As always we will have coffee drinks, snacks and breakfast goodies on hand to get you through the first week of school. |
Open HouseJanuary 16 | 1 - 3 p.m.
Whether you are new to Honors, or you just want to say hello, we invite you to stop by Cater Hall on Jan. 16 for our Spring Open House. Meet the staff, explore Cater Hall and learn more about the Honors College. |
Honors Contracting WorkshopJanuary 21 | 2 p.m.
January 22 | 10 a.m.
Creating a course contract is a great way for Honors College students to receive Honors credit in their non-Honors classes by adding an extra learning component to the class outside of the work already expected from them. Learn more about all things contracting during our workshop this January. There are two dates to choose from and both are held in Cater Hall. |
Honors Research Fellowship Information SessionsJanuary 29 | 3 p.m.
January 30 | 3 p.m.
Secure funding for your research by applying for an Honors Research Fellowship. Students conducting research in any field are welcome to apply and can learn more by attending one of our two information sessions. |
Keep up-to-date on all the ongoings of the Honors Congress in this section of the newsletter. |
The Undergraduate Research (UR) Fellowship application submission now openThe UR Fellowship program is an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students to apply the knowledge they have obtained in the classroom to a research project! Students may select from a year-long, two-semester and a summer fellowship.
Starting semesters offered are Summer 2025, Fall 2025 or Spring 2026. Here are some of the testimonials from our current students:
"It has completely changed how I view research and inspired me to continue to look into it in the future" - Tessa Allen 2023-24 Fellow
"It is a great opportunity for student that do not know anything about research to dip their toes in" - Brittany Bates 2023-24 Fellow
"I believe it has influenced my future career because of the skills I acquired during my time as a research fellow" - Bailey Branham 2023-24 Fellow
"Undergraduate research is extremely rewarding. Do not be scared to apply or follow through with the program. By the end, after your hard work, you will be able to look back at your achievements with pride" - Jazmine Carroll 2023-24 Fellow
If you are interested in learning more about the URF program, the application process and frequently asked questions, please visit the undergraduate research website.
(Engineering Students: All students applying for a fellowship in the College of Engineering must submit a brief email of intent to Apply for the Fellowship by December 16, 2024 to mla0001@auburn.edu. Visit website for details.)
Interested students should begin identifying a faculty mentor to discuss their research project with. The student and the faculty mentor who agrees to work with them will then submit a joint application using the online portal.
The Undergraduate Research Fellowship application submission will close February 15, 2025.
Fellowship award period can be up to May 1, 2026. |
Apply for a $5,000 scholarship through Phi Beta Kappa
The Phi Beta Kappa Society is now accepting online applications for their Key into Public Service scholarship. The program connects undergraduate arts and sciences majors with pathways into local, state and federal government service. The Society will select 20 successful applicants who will receive $5,000 academic scholarships and will participate in an educational conference experience in Washington, D.C., that will provide them with training, mentoring and resources on pathways into public service careers. Phi Beta Kappa membership is not required, but students must have a minimum 3.5 GPA.
Characteristics of ideal recipients include intellectual curiosity, breadth and depth in arts and sciences coursework, leadership propensity and service to others. Interested students can learn more and apply online until January 21, 2025, at
PBK.org/ServiceScholarsApp. |
Honor Your Teaching FellowshipFaculty interested in creating new Honors courses should consider applying to the Honor Your Teaching Fellowship. Applications are due Monday, February 10, 2025 to Suzanne Hunter, Assistant Director of Academic Affairs, sap0005@auburn.edu. |
Become a Gogue Center Ambassador
The Gogue Center Ambassadors provides a leadership opportunity for Auburn University students dedicated to serving the Jay and Susie Gogue Performing Arts Center. Ambassadors work across campus, within the Auburn community, and beyond, acting as hosts and volunteers for GPAC-sponsored performances and events. This select group of students serves as a liaison between Auburn University’s student body, academic departments, and GPAC, as well as with prospective students, alumni, donors, faculty, and administrators.
To apply, students will need to submit the following documents:
Applications are open today through March 7, 2025. |
T31 G-RISE at Auburn application are open
The admissions cycle for students to enter Auburn University’s G-RISE (Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement) is now open. If you know of a student who is interested in applying to Auburn for enrollment in Fall 2025 in a biomedically related Ph.D. program and might be qualified for G-RISE, please forward this information regarding the G-RISE program.
Advantages of the G-RISE program include an enhanced stipend (over $40,000) for one year, and support through a wide variety of resources, including a mentoring constellation designed to provide authentic experiences and hands-on mentoring to enhance the graduate education experience. Auburn G-RISE Scholars are among the top graduate students at Auburn.
Interested students can apply for the G-RISE at Auburn program by visiting this web site:
The application deadline is January 31, 2025.
Program requirements:
A bachelor’s or master’s degree in a biomedical related field
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Student must enroll in a doctoral program, related to biomedical research
Students can have been accepted to an Auburn PhD program, but cannot have matriculated
For more information, please contact Dr. Bruce Smith (smithbf@auburn.edu)
Upcoming Events with the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts + Humanities
Talk by Megan Buchanan, “Searching for Camp Watts”
January 21 | 6:30 p.m.*
Notasulga Town Hall (76 West Main Street)
Located in Notasulga, Alabama, Camp Watts was the location of Alabama’s Camp of Instruction #1 during the Civil War. Dr. Meghan Buchanan, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Auburn University, will provide a brief overview of efforts by researchers at Auburn University as they use archaeology, remote sensing, and historical research to try and locate the remnants of Camp Watts.
*Dr. Buchanan will give a brief presentation with time for Q&A before the monthly Town Council meeting begins at 7 PM.
Third Thursday Poetry Series: Todd Boss
January 23 | 6 p.m.
Pebble Hill
Todd Boss is an author, installation artist, inventor, librettist, podcaster and film producer in Minneapolis. He is the founding Artistic Director of
Motionpoems, a production company that has turned more than 150 contemporary poems into short films.
Refreshments and book sales by
Auburn Oil Co. Booksellers will be available at 6 p.m.; the reading will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Book Talk by Robert Colby, author of An Unholy Traffic: Slave Trading in the Civil War South
January 27 | 5 p.m.
Pebble Hill
An Unholy Traffic: Slave Trading in the Civil War South examines the often-overlooked continuation of the domestic slave trade during the Civil War, revealing how the practice persisted even as the nation was embroiled in conflict over slavery's future. Robert K.D. Colby is an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Mississippi. |
Delta Scholars 2025 Cohort
Application OPEN
DUE January 15, 2025
The Delta Scholars Program is a two-part academic and community engagement program for students interested in moving Mississippi and the Multi-State Delta region towards a brighter tomorrow. Delta Scholars is led through the Mississippi State University Shackouls Honors College, with additional partners including the Southern Rural Development Center, Harvard University, University of Mississippi Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, and Brandeis University.
Delta Scholars are selected for their academic achievements and commitment to public service to participate in a twelve-day intensive Summer Institute in the Multi-State Delta Region and engaged in scholarly sessions at Mississippi State University. Scholars will participate in a Capstone Project following the summer sessions.
Scholars successfully completing the summer intensive are invited to present at the five-day fall Boston Conference in the Boston, Massachusetts region in partnership with our partner institutions.
Both experiences form a cohort of young leaders thinking critically to cultivate change. This is a nationally competitive program aimed at sophomores and above. Open to all majors, DS mentors engage in research focused on a wide array of scholarship, including public health and wellness, food policy, criminology, and demography.
Eligibility: Students who are currently enrolled full-time in a two-or four-year college or university are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to students who have completed two years of coursework and are from or attending school in the Multi-State Delta Region (which includes AL, AR, IL, KY, LA, MO, MS, and TN) or a partner institution.
Applicants must submit the following:
2025 Application Portal Opens September 1 (Application due by January 15):
Click Here to access the application.
Statement of Interest (max: 1000 words) A letter broadly describing your research experience, current interests, and career goals, including why you are drawn to this particular scholar program and how you are a good fit for Delta Scholars.
Two letters of recommendation, one from faculty and one addressing community service
Official copies of college transcripts
Applicants who advance to semi-finalist will be required to participate in a brief interview with the committee.